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Neural Therapy

TDH Office • Apr 30, 2020

Neural Therapy Part 1

Neural therapy is a traditional German therapy, which uses Novocain to treat the autonomic nervous system (ANS) neural therapy is a traditional German therapy, which uses Novacaine to treat the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Local anesthetics strategically placed into scars, under the skin of chronically dysfunctional organs/structures and into areas of ANS nerve cell nuclei (Ganglia) are the basic tools to the traditional Neural therapists Neural therapy is the primary therapeutic modality for treating chronic pain in Germany. The therapeutic agents of neural therapy directly affect the ANS Nerves which affect blood flow regulation and bodily function.

And indirect treatment of the ANS is acupuncture. While there are many differences in theory and philosophy between acupuncture and neural therapy, fundamentally they both modulate or treat the same thing, namely the autonomic nervous system. Neural therapy uses it’s therapeutics directly into the ANS nerves and acupuncture it uses its system of needles in directly into reflex points which affect the ANS nerves. Both modalities are used as part of an integrated treatment strategy to rehabilitate the organs and structures of the body that have been assessed to have a functional problem and us reestablish proper bloodflow and normal cellular regulation. Both neural therapy and acupuncture are very useful in treating acute or chronic pain problems

“The intelligent use of ANS will one day become the most important part of the art of healing” Von Herring 1925

Neural therapy is a system of diagnosing and treating local disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. In German and Spanish speaking countries it is considered a part of conventional medicine, even as it is virtually unknown in the English-speaking world.

Central to the theory of neural therapy is the concept of the “interference field”. An interference field is a focus of electrophysioiogical instability somewhere in the body that destabilizes or blocks autonomic nervous system function – locally or systemically. Typical locations for interference fields are scars, teeth, internal orgms, autonomic ganglia, nerve roots, or any place where there is (or has been) an injury or irritation. Somatic dysfunction is a type of interference field and can be treated equally effectively by neural therapy as by manipulation.

The classical neural therapy treatment is injections of dilute procaine into the interference field. Procaine acts as a membrane stabilizer, in a similar way to lidocaine in treating ventricular arrhythmias. Any medical condition that has an autonomic nervous system component may potentially be caused by an interference field. Examples include migraine, facial pain, backache and various forms of myofascial pain syndrome, as well as asthma, indigestion, bowel dysfunctioa menstrual problems, irritable bladder, etc.

Interference fields have lower electrical potentials than surrounding tissues. Currents flow from areas of higher voltage to areas of lower voltage and seem to send confusing signals to the body’s nervous system. The body sometimes reacts in inappropriate ways, resulting in chronic pain and/or illness. Interference fields can be found almost anywhere in the body. Often, they are far from the part of the body where you feel symptoms.

For example, an old appendix scar might cause migraine headache, or a wisdom tooth extraction scar might cause chronic low-back pain. Because these relationships are totally unpredictable, doctors need to search for interference fields everywhere in the body. Interference fields are very common and the conditions that they cause are mostly untreated in mainstream medicine except by drugs, merely suppressing symptoms.

Giving a medication with a hypodermic needle has been one of the greatest advances in modern medicine and is only a little over 100 years old. If a medication is given orally a huge dose is needed to achieve the concentration necessary in the target tissue. The rest of the body is poisoned unnecessarily.

Delivering a specific drug directly to the site requires a much smaller dosage. Some tissues that are disconnected from the whole, such, as in cancer, can sometimes only be reached with a needle. The needlestick also allows the stimulation of acupuncture points and the dry needling of trigger points.

With a fluid-bolus scar tissue can be broken up mechanically, adhesive tissue-planes can be gently separated and normal anatomy can often be restored where there was distortion from trauma or infection. And beyond anything else, the needle stick often will bring up held back emotions and memories stored in the injected tissue. These releases are often the most important part of a healing intervention.

Examples of Neural Therapy Techniques

That should be mastered by everyone who uses neural therapy as a healing system.

** = neural therapy procedures we perform at TDH
  • **Scar injection
  • **Intravenous injection
  • **Segmental therapy of the brain (“crown of thorns”)
  • **Segmental therapy of the paranasal sinuses (“sinus injections”)
  • **Test injection of teeth and dental acupuncture points
  • **Segmental therapy for the ear
  • **Adenoids
  • **Tonsil/ superior cervical ganglion
  • **Ciliary ganglion
  • **Sphenopalatine ganglion
  • Gasserian ganglion
  • **Thyroid
  • **TMJ- related trigger points
  • Segmental therapy of the chest and heart
  • Segmental therapy abdomen/ Vogler points
  • Umbilicus
  • **Segmental therapy of the kidneys.
  • **Segmental therapy of the liver/gallbladder
  • Lumbar sympathetic block.
  • Inferior hypogastric plexus block (“pelvic injection”)
  • Prostatic plexus block.
  • Segmental therapy of the shoulder, knees and ankles
  • Eventually, all the orthopedic injections into joints, ligaments and tendon insertions should also be mastered
  • Coccygeal ganglion block
  • Caudal epidural injection

Neural Therapy Part 2 Material by Dietrich Klinghart

PART 3 Scars Info European What a Scar Remembers

“Any part of the body that has been traumatized or ill—no matter where it is located—can become an interference field which may cause disturbance anywhere in the body,” explains Dr. Klinghardt. In his estimation, 30-45% of all illness or pain is caused by an interference field or a linked series of such fields.

Any scar that results from an accident, surgery, or illness can produce a strange, hidden, but long-lasting effect on a person’s health

Say you once had an acute upper respiratory tract infection involving the sinuses or tonsils. Even though you apparently recovered long ago, the residual tissue changes of the sinuses or tonsils from the processes of illness can still interfere with the health of other body systems today. It is as if the traumatized tissue still remembers the illness or trauma years later. The connection are various and surprising.

Sinus trauma, for example, can create chronic severe neck pain, migraines, chronic fatigue, or PMS, says Dr. Klinghardt. A gallbladder scar can cause chronic hip pain; traumatized tonsils can affect the knee joint; leg scars can spark sciatica; pelvic scars can trigger arthritis, PMS, or depression; trauma in the prostate, stomach, or sinus can produce neck pain; an appendectomy can lead to rheumatoid arthritis or pelvic pain.

Dr. Klinghardt notes that an injection in tonsil tissue can often relieve chronic migraines. The four front teeth of the uppe, and lower jaw are related to the urogenital system; problems with these teeth are frequently responsible for pelvic pain, chronic kidney disease, and even cancer in the pelvic organs.

In Dr. Klinghardt’s vocabulary, scars, traumatized organs and teeth, or old injuries are essentially equivalent in the way they interfere with any healthy functioning of the boy. “Any part of the body that has been traumatized or ill—no matter where it is located—can become an interference field which may cause disturbance anywhere in the body,” explains Dr Klinghardt.

In his estimation, 30-45% of all illness or pain is caused by an interference field or a linked series of such fields. He cite^ a case in which a woman with pelvic pain improved after she received procain injections in both her uterus and thyroid, one of the now classic cases in this field (1940), a physician injected a leg scar and provided immediate relief for a severely painful shoulder.

This way of medical thinking is part of a discipline called neural therapy, first pioneered in Germany in 1925 by two German physicians (and brothers), Ferdinand and Walter Huneke, as a way of eliminating pain and chronic illness. In neural therapy, local anesthetics are injected at the sites of old injuries to remove an irritating energy focus in the body that is blocking the flow of electrical and nerve energy.

In neural therapy, a standard anesthetic is carefully injected into specific points in the nervous system. This temporarily restores proper nerve function, enabling cells to eliminate toxic waste, says Dr. Klinghardt. Several important ganglia ex in the neck. A ganglion is a bundle, know, or plexus of nerve cell bodies with many interconnections that acts like a sorting and relay station for nerve impulses. There are several dozen ganglia throughout the body. In other words, scars and sites of physical trauma generate an energy field that interferes with the body’s proper functioning. Dr. Klinghardt estimates that dental factors, extraction sites or root-canaled, devitalized or impacted teeth, can account for between 50% and 80% of interference fields.

Often the results of neural therapy can be seemingly instantaneous—practitioners call this the “lightning reaction”—as i something dammed up has been suddenly released in the body. This reaction frequently entails an emotional release; every injury or surgical scar carries a memory of the events involved in producing it and somehow the anesthetic releases them, says Dr. Klinghardt.

Neural Therapy Part 3 Interference Fields.

Interference fields

Traditional neural therapy place is a huge emphasis on interference fields or the vocal theory of health problems. The most common interference fields are scars, chronically infected organs like a tonsil, sinus, and appendix, and infections in the job on becoming dead teeth, Infected root canal teeth, and cavitations. Cavitation’s or chronic infection or necrosis of the job on, often at the side of a previously extracted tooth. Modern toxicologists have analyzed most of the interference Fields previously mentioned and found them to be toxic dump sites full of heavy metals like mercury, toxic chemicals and/or infectious pathogen’s.

Pischinger, The German position, defined an interference field as “chronically altered tissue, which encloses organic and inorganic material that cannot be removed or metabolized, which causes remote disturbances of a general and local kind” Huneke, The German physician credited as the father of neural therapy, defines interference fields as “a pathologically charged tissue or region that produces a disturbance via the autonomic nerves (more precisely the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous) “

“a pathologically charged tissue or region that produces a disturbance via the-autonomi nerves (more precisely the sympathetic part ofthe autonomic nerves)” Using the ANS biofeedback testing available to those practicing Applied Neurobiology, it is commonly observed that the interference fields are areas of disturbance, which negatively affects the function of an organ and/or structure itl aremote or adjacent region. In chronic pain, disease and dysfiinction there are often a series of interference fields that contribute to the problem. All interference fields should be treated in order to achieve maximum results. In addition, to consistently and completely treat the active interference field, the neural therapist must use therapeutics that eliminate the electrical pathology to the ANS, namely novocaine. The AppliedNeural Therapist will also use a technique to detoxify the accumulated toxin in the interference field (heavy metal, toxic chemical and/or infestation detoxification as determined by history and /or biofeedback response).

Chinese medicine has recognized the healing potential of “scar treatment” for 5000 years. They hypothesize that scars block the energy flow of the meridian (the energy vessel) associated with the organ or structure. German research has confirmed that the scars (and other interference fields) generate electrical pathology whose constant output into the ANS can eventually overwhelm the sensory portion on the ANS causing dysregulation of the functional nervous system. This usually means a reduction in blood flow to an organ or structure. If an organ or structure has reduced blood blow due to a “focal problem-interference field”, the fiJnctional capacity of the affected tissue will be reduced and if injury does occur, the likelihood is that recovery will be diminished. Proper blood flow and other regulatory (ANS) functions are essential for healing. and if these important regulatory functions are impaired, chronic pain and/or dysfunction aremore likely to ensue

All regulation treatment (ie. treatment to the ANS-neural therapy or acupuncture) needs to include a thorough investigation of all potential interference fields because of its devastating and hidden effects on the ANS The Neural Therapy History, which is chronological history of the entire potential ANS trauma, serves our purposes well. The Neural Therapy History helps the therapist and patient to understand when the dysfunctional signs and symptoms started to occur in relationship to the major problems that impact the ANS (Neural Therapy History-see appendix). This history gives a better appreciation ofthe importance of interference fields and other ANS disturbances.

Neural Therapy increases critical blood flow

In all chronic conditions, blood flow is impaired and the ANS is dysfunctional. Healing of any tissue requires the return of blood flow and regulatory balance (ANS function). This is the physiologic reason why Neural Therapy and Acupuncture are so effective for healing chronic pain, dysfunction and disease The ANS controls more than just blood flow to the tissues, organs and skeleto-muscular tissues It also controls the rigidity of muscles and connective tissues and even the cellar membranes themselves. Cells have tiny holes in their membrane, which actively control the nutrients intake and waste out So the dysfunction in the ANS adversely affects the blood flow, connective tissues and the cells themselves. In addition, the ANS manufactures neuro-transmitters. Which when dumped into the tissues, control and regulate cellular and tissue responses
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The Glyphatic or Glial Lymphatic System and Neural Therapy One application of neural therapy I use in my office is to help “drain the brain”. It was discovered recently that our brain has its own lymphatic system, called the Glymphatic system. Basically, by pumping cerebral spinal fluid through the brains tissues, the glymphatic system flushes the waste from the brain back into the body’s circulatory system where is goes to the liver for elimination. The system ramps up its activity during sleep, thereby allowing your brain to drain toxins and harmful proteins called amyloid-beta, the build up of which has been linked to Alzheimers. It was discovered that during sleep, the cells of the brain shrink by up to 60%, allowing a greater efficiency of waste removal. Melatonin is the clearing agent for the brain. It is the hormone that stimulates the glial lymphatic system to drain. Melatonin is produced each night naturally when we sleep, but is tied closely to light exposure and our ability to have complete darkness when we are asleep. Melatonin is only produced in total darkness and any light exposure during the night stops your melatonin production which ultimately affects your ability to adequately drain harmful brain toxins at night. Orally consumed melatonin is not as effective as your own natural melatonin. I use a technique from Dr. Deitrich Klinghart where by neural therapy injections of procaine are used to stimulate the brain to drain. I use a safe anesthetic called Procaine to stimulate 10 to 12 different lymphatic areas (neck chain, tonsils, adenoids, to name a few) that result in the stimulation of the glial lymphatic system, which helps to drain toxins from the brain, ultimately reducing brain inflammation and toxicity. The entire procedure takes less than 15 minutes and is completely safe. No harmful chemicals are used. The process is designed to trigger and stimulate your bodies natural channels for drainage, so it happens at your bodies pace. I have seen it be helpful with patients that have had long term brain inflammation related to metal poisoning, chronic infection and insomnia. Sometimes we employ binders like chlorella or charcoals/clays if we think there is potential to drop heavy-metal toxic loads from the brain. Ideally we recommend to have vitamin C therapy in conjunction with the protocol we have affectionately named “Clean the Head” as it boosts your healing for a short time. We have seen tremendous results with the patients we have treated with this protocol. Most people experience immediate improved mental acuity and less brain fog. With repeated exposures we have seen improved psychological attitude and improved emotional well-being as a result of reducing the toxic load on the brain.
By TDH Office 30 Apr, 2020
Initially developed in Germany during the early 1900’s, Neural Therapy, is beginning to re-emerge as a simple and effective treatment for chronic pain and many other types of chronic illness. The first applications of neural therapy were performed in 1925 by brothers Ferdinand and Walter Huneke. Neural therapy is not based on the treatment of nerves as the name implies but rather based on the premise that illness may result from a nervous system that has become unregulated or temporarily damaged or distracted. In actuality, neural therapy is more of a type of bio-regulatory therapy or holistic therapy who’s goal is to produce a positive response to the whole system.

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